Istanbul Kültür University (IKU) Department of Business Administration and Department of Industrial Engineering organized the “Sustainability and Innovative Technologies Symposium” on Thursday, May 9 at Akıngüç Auditorium and Art Center in Bakırköy campus Ataköy building.

At the symposium, sustainability concepts, particularly climate, transportation, smart mobility, urbanism and the internet of things, artificial intelligence, health, logistics, disaster management and business life, were discussed from multiple perspectives. The symposium was evaluated by experts in the sessions titled 'Sustainability Practices in Different Sectors' and 'Innovative Technologies in Different Sectors'. Videos of university students' work on sustainability and videos about sustainable products of brands were also presented to the participants, and students' questions were answered.

Dr. Bahar Akıngüç Günver: The Most Significant Thing for Türkiye’s Salvation is Production Creating High Added Value

Stating that many studies are carried out in the field of sustainability at our university, our Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Dr. Bahar Akıngüç Günver said, “We are working in many areas, and this is one of them. The most significant thing for Türkiye’s salvation is production that creates high added value. There is only one address for production that adds high added value, and that is universities. I believe that as a university, we will achieve very important things in the field of sustainability.”

Prof. Dr. Fadime Üney Yüksektepe: Sustainability Has Become A Necessity

Stating that the concept of sustainability has become a necessity in the business world, Rector Prof. Dr. Fadime ÜneyYüksektepe said, "As a university, we organized today's symposium in line with our understanding of culture, our strategic plan and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability is a very important issue of ours. It has now become a necessity.

In this context, we wanted to mention what we can do jointly to maintain sustainability, and we aim to find more permanent solutions in this field with the contribution of innovative technologies. Of course, for these changes, it is very important to raise awareness of institutions and society and to become open to this change. Today, we aim to contribute to this synergy with these collaborations and joint studies. As a university, we have always attached great importance to sustainability. In this sense and in terms of creative technologies, we have many investments. We aim to be one of the brand universities in this sense. The other important point is that we touch many students together with our eight faculties and two vocational schools. We have about 16 thousand students. We also consider it very important for the development and contribution of our society and our country to grow up as individuals with high awareness in terms of sustainability and creative technologies. Therefore, we will continue our work in this field."

“Universities are the Key Factor in Green Economic Transformation”

Emphasizing that we are on the verge of economic and social transformation, IKU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Burcu Yavuz Tiftikçigil said, “Green economic transformation is now a reality of our day. In this sense, institutions and sectors, too, have to change. In the times we are living in, besides the economic dimension of sustainable development, the environmental and social good dimension must also be taken into consideration very seriously. In this sense, institutions become integral. Universities are among the leading institutions that can help realize this transformation. Because universities have a very significant audience, such as young people. Young people are the people we educate, who will serve the society after they graduate. They will work as white-collar and blue-collar workers in sectors that are the very engines of the economy. Universities are the key factor in the green economic transformation that bring together both the environment, people and economic growth. And today, we are pleased with that regard, because we have created a political discussion area for this transformation. Valuable sector representatives at IKU will discuss this transformation. Sustainability goals are the guide to this transformation. Today, as a university, we are actively discussing how we can serve the 17 purposes and articles in the guide and how we can develop systems that take both people and the environment into consideration. In addition, IKU continues to rapidly institutionalize to serve these purposes. And it’s with that in mind, IKU became a member of the United Nations Solutions Network and Global Compact. We have taken up a role and duty to make valuable contributions to many development indices. “We are very happy to discuss the politics of this with industry representatives today in this great symposium.”

Last Update Date: Mon, 06/03/2024 - 09:55